AREA’s Tim Schaffer and Sean Craven, were recently interviewed by the Kansas City Business Journal regarding the misconception of the lack of available parking in downtown Kansas City. AREA looked at seven parking garages near 12th & Main streets, which is the busiest pedestrian intersection in downtown Kansas City. Our findings show that there is more parking than many people see.
The seven lots had an average of 2,144 public spaces available daily. The conversion of 3.5 million square feet of downtown office space is causing a shift in parking needs, and garages that have previously been at full capacity during the daytime now experience a more even traffic flow between daytime office use and evening residential and recreational uses. The demographics trend toward a younger population, who are willing to walk farther to park. This willingness to walk has exponentially increased due to the area bustling with events, creating a safer feel for the environment. “The environment of that walk is so much better today because downtown has improved,” according to AREA President Tim Schaffer.
To read more about AREA’s downtown parking study, click here.
Check out AREA’s listings in downtown Kansas City
– Lightwell
– 3Y (300 Wyandotte)
– Rivergate (600 Broadway)
– 1808 McGee & 215 E 18th (18McGee)
– 19th & Oak
– 2020 Baltimore
– City Club (20th & Main)
– 2107 Grand